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Rep. Young Kim

Washington, DC – Today, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act (H.R. 8259), a bipartisan bill led by U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39), Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX-10), Asia Subcommittee Ranking Member Steve Chabot (OH-01) and Rep. Brian Mast (FL-18) to track transfers and ensure efficient delivery of U.S. defense equipment sold to Taiwan and other Indo Pacific allies. Rep. Kim spoke in favor of the bills during the markup HERE.

H.R. 8259 was also added as a bipartisan amendment to the House version of the FY2023 NDAA, which passed the House in July 2022. 

“Promises made to our allies must be promises kept. As the CCP ramps up its aggression, any delays in delivering U.S. defense equipment already sold to Taiwan and Indo Pacific allies jeopardize our national security and the security of our allies in the Indo-Pacific,” said Kim. “I thank my Foreign Affairs Committee colleagues for supporting the Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act and for bringing a needed focus to these urgent challenges. As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I’m committed to supporting U.S. global leadership, deterring CCP aggression and promoting freedom and democracy around the world.”  

The Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act requires a report from Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State on: 

  • The list of approved transfer of defense articles to Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand; 
  • The estimated start and end dates of delivery for approved and incomplete transfer items; 
  • Any changes in delivery dates with explanations for the delays, options for expediting the deliveries, and authorities and powers Congress can use to expedite the deliveries; 
  • A description of ongoing interagency efforts to support operational capability of delivered systems; and, 
  • A separate description of actions the State Department is taking to expedite deliveries to Taiwan. 

The committee also passed the Millennium Challenge Corporation Eligibility Expansion Act, Securing Global Telecommunications Act and Keeping Girls in Schools Act, which Rep. Kim helped introduce. 

The bills now head to the House Floor.

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