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Rep. Young Kim Speaks at House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing

Washington, DC – Today, Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) announced that Representative Young Kim (CA-39) will serve on the Conference Committee for U.S.-China competitiveness bills.  

This bipartisan, bicameral committee will negotiate a compromise package to promote U.S. global leadership and competitiveness and counter aggression, surveillance and human rights abuses of the Chinese Communist Party. 

Rep. Kim serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where she is Vice Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Asia, Central Asia and Nonproliferation, the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and the House Small Business Committee, where she is Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Workforce Development. 

Earlier this week, Rep. Kim led the Problem Solvers Caucus in urging House and Senate leadership for a bipartisan path forward as Congress moves ahead with conferencing the House and Senate US-China competitiveness bills. 

“The Chinese Communist Party has made clear its goal to become the world’s top economic and military superpower by 2025, and has shown how it will undermine human rights, freedom and decency in pursuit of this quest for world dominance,” said Kim. “Every second we fight with one another, Xi Jinping is winning. The need for strength, leadership and unity from the United States in countering this aggression and ensuring we lead the race to win the future is more important than ever. I am excited to be able to add my voice to this Conference Committee and am hopeful that we can create a substantive, bicameral, bipartisan package that sends a strong message that the United States will continue to lead on the world stage.” 

“Countering the Chinese Communist threat is the single most pressing issue we can undertake in this Congress. We cannot continue to choose inaction or a weak approach if we want to secure a revitalization of our domestic manufacturing and bring those jobs back to the United States. This Congress cannot bend or bow to China’s lobbying efforts. We need strong voices in this process who will put American interests above all else. I am confident these members will never waver in their commitment to only advance legislation that will help our national security, protect our economic prosperity, and that will hold the CCP accountable,” said Leader McCarthy. 

“I commend my friend and colleague, Rep. Young Kim, for being named a China legislation conferee. Rep. Kim has been a leader on these issues, and I am proud of this opportunity to work with her and our colleagues to craft legislation that will help America best confront the generational threat posed by the CCP,” said House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul.

“I’m pleased that Representative Kim has been named as a conferee on this critical competitiveness legislation,” House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas said. “She has been engaged on this legislation from the start and has a robust understanding of how federal investment in basic research translates to commercial innovations by American companies. She did important work to strengthen the Science Committee competitiveness bills that form the heart of this legislation by improving and expanding STEM education and workforce training. Rep. Kim knows that for America to succeed, we need to stay globally competitive and fend off threats from the Chinese Communist Party. She’ll be a strong negotiator on this conference committee and I’m looking forward to working with her.”  

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