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Rep. Kim

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-40), who serves as chairwoman of the Indo-Pacific Subcommittee and co-chair of the Congressional Study Group on Korea, arrived in South Korea with a bipartisan Congressional delegation to lead meetings with senior Korean elected officials and businesses.

Congresswoman Kim will discuss shared U.S.-ROK priorities, such as strengthening security ties, advancing free trade, supporting human rights, and working with allies and partners in the region against growing aggression.

“South Korea is a valued economic and security partner of the United States. As we face shared threats and growing instability in the region, our collaboration is more important than ever,” said Rep. Young Kim. “As chairwoman of the Indo-Pacific Subcommittee and a Korean American who grew up in South Korea in the aftermath of the Korean War, I look forward to productive discussions with my bipartisan colleagues and our counterparts on this trip and will keep working on the Foreign Affairs Committee to ensure America projects strength on the world stage.”

The trip is sponsored by the Former Members of Congress and the Korea Society. 

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