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Rep. Young Kim visits Orange County vaccination site serving CA-39.

Feb 27, 2021 | Economy, Health, Press Releases

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39) released the following statement on the partisan, $1.9 trillion bill before the House of Representatives:

“During a public health and economic crisis, the last thing we should be doing is playing politics. That is why all previously successful federal efforts to bring relief to families, workers and small business owners during COVID-19 have been bipartisan,” said Kim. “I’m disappointed that Democrats are abandoning unity and instead ramming through a $1.9 trillion wish list that was drafted without input from Republicans. With only 9 percent of the funding related to directly combatting COVID-19 and much of the aid not being spent until 2022, House Democrats have decided to push their partisan priorities rather than meeting the urgent needs of the American people.”

“We must come together to make sure the $1 trillion in unspent federal COVID-19 relief funding goes directly to our communities. I will continue to do all I can to provide bipartisan, targeted COVID-19 relief to the 39th District of California so we can defeat COVID-19 and safely reopen. The only way we will get through this pandemic is by working together and as the reconciliation process continues, I urge Democrats to reconsider their approach,” continued Kim.

Rep. Kim is championing several initiatives to provide for families, small business owners, and communities during COVID-19, including:

  • Pushing for additional mental health resources so state and local health entities can meet patients’ needs;
  • Joining the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus to introduce the Defeating COVID-19 package, which includes $160 billion for vaccines, PPE and other supplies directly related to COVID-19;
  • Leading a bipartisan effort with Rep. Abigail Spanberger (VA-07) to help small business owners access COVID-19 tests, PPE and other supplies to safely reopen;
  • Introducing amendments that were blocked by Democrats to support restaurants and ensure federal relief funding at the SBA goes to those who need it most; and,
  • Fighting for COVID-19 relief funding to go directly to local communities instead of through state governments.

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