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California's 40th District

Apr 29, 2021 | Economy, In The News

In an address during ABA’s Emerging Leaders Forum today, Rep. Young Kim (R-Calif.), one of the first Korean American women to serve in Congress, thanked the banking industry for its work getting funds to small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program and urged attendees to engage with lawmakers and share how important banking is to communities.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, the banking industry has stepped up to the plate by helping the federal government distribute funds for one of the largest federal programs in history, so I thank you,” said Kim.

She also stressed the importance of bankers sharing their stories with lawmakers, especially how banking provides opportunities for individuals and small businesses to succeed. “As a member of Congress, it is very helpful to hear stories from the members of your communities,” said Kim. “It is important to hear from business owners on how current regulations and laws can be improved to make it easier to the business and have greater access to capital.”

Kim told attendees to engage with local, state and federal leaders about how banking provides opportunities and to encourage them to listen to the needs of their communities.

ABA Banking Journal

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