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Rep. Young Kim Speaks at Indo-Pacific Hearing

Washington, D.C. – Ahead of President Biden’s expected meeting with Chinse Communist Party General Chairman Xi Jinping, House Indo Pacific Subcommittee Chairwoman Young Kim (CA-40) and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10) have released the following statement.  

“After series of fruitless meetings between senior Biden administration officials and CCP officials, President Biden is set to meet with Chairman Xi Jinping in California tomorrow. The United States has nothing to show from any of these meetings, and should not preemptively remove any restrictions currently in place for what is likely to be yet another futile meeting. The CCP continues to wrongfully detain American citizens, commit genocide and other horrific human rights abuses, help fill American cities with fentanyl, and militarily threaten American partners and allies in the Indo Pacific. We support diplomacy. But the Biden administration should prioritize diplomacy with our democratic allies over more useless photo ops with authoritarian adversaries. The president’s time at APEC should focus on advancing U.S. economic goals such as reducing barriers to trade, diversifying supply chains out of China, and protecting our critical and emerging technologies. Now is the time to double down on economic wins with our friends – not to appease authoritarian adversaries,” the members said. 

Chairwoman Kim also outlined her thoughts ahead of the Biden-Xi meeting in an op-ed in Newsweek. Read the op-ed HERE

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