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California's 40th District

May 23, 2023 | In The News

Washington, DC – On May 16, U.S. Representatives Young Kim (CA-40), Joe Wilson (SC-02), Jason Crow (CO-06), and Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) introduced a bipartisan resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the release and homecoming of Prisoners of War (POWs) in Vietnam and recognize their extraordinary service and sacrifice.  

The resolution also expresses Congressional approval for an awards ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the return of U.S. POWs of the Vietnam War to be held at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, CA in California’s 40th District.

“Our Vietnam-era veterans answered the call to serve in our nation’s uniform and defend our freedoms we hold dear, but unfortunately did not often receive the recognition they deserved. As a wife and sister to U.S. Army veterans, supporting our veterans is personal to me,” said Rep. Kim. “I am proud to join Rep. Wilson to show our gratitude to our Vietnam-era veterans and POWs 50 years after the last U.S. troops left Vietnam. I will always fight to protect the benefits our veterans and their families have earned as we honor them and their service.”

“As a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, and a veteran of both the U.S. Army Reserves and South Carolina Army National Guard, I am grateful to join my bipartisan colleagues in introducing this resolution recognizing those brave Vietnam War veterans on the 50th Anniversary of their return to the U.S. after becoming prisoners of war.  This nation will always remember the sacrifices these heroes made and never forget those that have yet to return,” said Rep. Wilson.

“More than two million US troops served in the Vietnam War, and over 760 of those servicemembers were taken captive as prisoners of war. Fifty years ago, many of those POWs came home,” said Rep. Crow. “As an Iraq and Afghanistan combat veteran, I join my colleagues in celebrating their return as well as remembering those who never came home, including the more than 58,000 Americans killed and over 1200 still missing in action.”

“The brave servicemembers of the Vietnam War did not, and often still do not, receive the recognition and respect for their service and sacrifice that they deserve. With this resolution, we are coming together to honor the resilience, courage, and sacrifice of our fellow Americans that were taken as prisoners of war. Fifty years later, we remember their bravery and repatriation while honoring those who never came home,” said Rep. Sherrill. “As a veteran, I will always fight for the proper support, treatment, and recognition of our servicemembers and veterans.”

A companion resolution is being led by Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Tom Carper (D-DE).

Last year, Rep. Kim held a recognition ceremony at the Yorba Linda Public Library where she and Orange County Supervisor Don Wagner pinned 40 Vietnam era veterans.

South OC Times

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