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Rep. Young Kim Speaks at House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39) released the following statement in response to the South Korean Ministry of Unification’s release of photos appearing to show two North Korean fishermen being repatriated by South Korean forces in 2019.

“I am deeply disturbed by the photos appearing to show South Korean officials forcibly repatriating two North Korean fishermen who defected from North Korea,” said Kim. “The North Korean people continue to be subjected to gross human rights abuses including torture, imprisonment, forced labor and starvation. As an immigrant from South Korea with family members who fled North Korea, supporting the North Korean people is personal to me. The case of these fishermen is something that must be thoroughly examined and answered for, and I applaud President Yoon for opening an investigation. I will not stop pushing for the truth, demanding accountability and fighting for North Korean human rights.”

As Vice Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation, Rep. Young Kim remains dedicated to ensuring the U.S. promotes human rights for the people of North Korea. She introduced the North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act of 2022, which included her initiatives to:

  • Reunite Korean American divided families with their war-torn loved ones;
  • Appoint a Special Envoy on North Korean Human Rights Issues;
  • Support U.S. Agency for Global Media’s broadcasting efforts to promote freedom of information in North Korea;
  • Ensure the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid goes to the people of North Korea and does not support military operations; and,
  • Work with the United Nation’s Refugee Agency to protect and resettle refugees from North Korea. 

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