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Rep. Young Kim

Jul 23, 2021 | Press Releases, Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Young Kim (CA-39) joined Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) to introduce a bipartisan, bicameral resolution expressing support for the designation of August 1, 2021, as Gold Star Children’s Day to recognize the sacrifices of the children of fallen servicemembers.

Reps. Tim Ryan (OH-13) and Trent Kelly (MS-01) also joined Reps. Kim and Phillips as original cosponsors. Sens. Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) have introduced the companion resolution in the Senate.

To date, there has been no nationally recognized day to honor Gold Star Children. The thousands of sons and daughters of military families that have lost mothers or fathers serving in the Armed Forces deserve national recognition for the unique burden and legacy they carry. This resolution will designate August 1, 2021, as Gold Star Children’s Day and encourage the people of the United States to join in observation of this day.

“As a mother of four, my heart breaks for any child who loses their parent,” said Rep. Kim. “While we can never repay the brave men and women in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms, we should do everything we can to support and honor their children. I am honored to help lead this bipartisan, bicameral effort to designate August 1 as Gold Star Children’s Day.”

“As a Gold Star son, I understand firsthand the sacrifices made by some so that ALL may enjoy the freedoms we hold dear as Americans – and so that we may continue to be blessed to live in the oldest and most successful continuous democracy in the world,” said Rep. Phillips. “Up until now, the unimaginable sacrifices of Gold Star Children have not been recognized with a special day, and that ends here.”

“I’ve seen Gold Star flags draped in windows across Northeast Ohio for over twenty years – each is a sobering reminder of a life lost in service to our nation. We’ve recognized the spouses of those lost in combat here in Congress, but not the children. The children that won’t have a mother or father because they made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation – this resolution will finally fix that,” said Rep. Ryan.

“I will always hold the sacrifice of all Servicemembers in great regard,” said Rep. Kelly. “It has been an honor to have the ability to give voices on Capitol Hill to Gold Star families through the successful launch of the Gold Star Family Fellowship Program. I will continue this honor through my support for the Gold Star Children’s Day resolution.”

“Designating August 1 as Gold Star Children’s Day would help recognize the unique sacrifices borne by the children of our nation’s fallen heroes,” Senator Wicker said. “I encourage all Americans to come together in support of these sons and daughters who carry on the legacy of their parents who paid the ultimate price for our country.”

“No child should ever have to grow up without a parent, and I can only imagine the pain that comes from losing a parent in the line of duty. While we will never be able to repay the sacrifices made by our brave patriots and their families, it is our responsibility to honor their children for their sacrifices. I am proud to lead the Senate in distinguishing August 1, 2021, as Gold Star Children’s Day to recognize the sacrifices made for our country by Gold Star Children,” Senator Manchin said.

The proposal has been endorsed by several veterans organizations, including Sons and Daughters in Touch, the Woody Williams Foundation, American WWII Orphans Network, and the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS).

“The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) is grateful to Reps. Phillips, Kim, Ryan, and Kelly for introducing ‘Gold Star Children’s Day’. TAPS looks forward to celebrating all surviving military children on August 1, 2021, and honoring them as the living legacies of American service and sacrifice,” said Bonnie Carroll, President and Founder of TAPS.

“Gold Star Children of all ages from World War I to the present proudly carry a vigil for their fathers and mothers who were lost in uniform defending liberty and freedom around the world. While Gold Star Children’s Day won’t erase the loss of their parents, it does confirm the place of these Children in the United States’ 100-year history of the Gold Star movement. This resolution sends an important message that the Congress and the American people still care,” said Tony Cordero, Chairman of Sons and Daughters in Touch.

“I fully support this resolution and encourage its enactment to honor those who are related to those who sacrificed their lives for American and our freedom,” said Woody Williams, Founder of the Woody Williams Foundation.

“…183,000 children were left Fatherless as a result of World War II.  The American WWII Orphans Network (AWON) supports the Gold Star Children’s Day resolution,” said Walt Linne, Son of Walter John Linne, KIA March 24, 1945, AWON President.

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