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California's 40th District

Feb 23, 2021 | In The News

Tuesday, Congressman David G. Valadao and the entire California Republican delegation sent a letter to the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Commerce to emphasize California’s water needs and to express strong support for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s new coordinated long-term operations plan for the Central Valley Project (CVP) and the California State Water Project (SWP).

This includes the associated biological opinions developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within the Interior and the National Marine Fisheries Service within Commerce that were completed last year.

Both the Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service biological opinions have been included on a list of regulations for review by the Biden administration, which creates significant uncertainty about their future and resulting water supply impacts across the state of California, according to a press release from Valadao .

“As a lifelong farmer, I know firsthand just how important reliable water supply is to California farmers, families and communities.” Valadao said. “The unnecessary review and potential reversal of these important biological opinions would jeopardize water supply to the Central Valley and would have detrimental, long-lasting effects on our local economies. The biological opinions were updated with the most accurate data and were subject to multiple peer-reviews by experts. I urge the Biden administration to keep these science-based biological opinions intact, allowing our communities to continue feeding America.”

“California is home to some of the nation’s most precious natural resources and wildlife, and the biological opinions completed in 2019 use the latest science to determine how to best protect those resources while ensuring that our families, farmer, and communities receive the water they contract and pay for,” said Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23). “Last year, the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Commerce followed the science to create these new policies, and now the Biden administration must follow them. It’s time that Democrats end the war on water, and I applaud David for picking up the baton and continuing the fight for our Central Valley constituents and Californians across the State.”

“In 2020, the Department of Interior followed the directives of the WIIN Act, which was passed by a bipartisan majority in Congress and signed into law by President Obama, and developed new independently-reviewed biological opinions that reflect the best available scientific data. If President Biden is truly committed to following the law and science, he should keep these actions in place and work towards a framework that ensures abundance and prosperity for Californians,” Congressman Tom McClintock (CA-04) said.

“If fully implemented, the updated biological opinions will do more to end the San Joaquin Valley’s water crisis than any other measure taken in the last decade. Adherence to the new biops, which are based on the newest, most accurate scientific data, is absolutely crucial for guaranteeing that Valley farmers can continue growing food to feed the nation,” said Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22).

“Water is a lifeline for many Californians, and it is imperative that the Biden Administration understands and honors our state’s water needs. I strongly support the Bureau of Reclamation’s coordinated plan for the Central Valley Project and the California State Water Project and related biological opinions that were developed last year,” Congressman Mike Garcia (CA-25) said. “I hope that the Biden administration will keep those plans intact and honor the recent science-based biological opinions recently developed. I will continue to fight to ensure that Californians have the necessary access to water, they deserve nothing less.”

“Our water supply is essential for the public health and safety of our communities in the 39th District of California, the state and the nation. I’m proud to join Rep. Valadao and my California colleagues in this important letter today and will do all I can to provide certainty and secure water for our farmers and families,” said Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-39).

“As we near the end of a relatively dry winter, it’s essential that Californians have reliability in our water supply. The Biden administration can’t make it rain but it can provide clarity to southern California households and farmers by affirming its support for the current Bureau of Reclamation operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project,” Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-42) said. “The current operations are a product of careful planning, the best science available, and a proper balance of the many complexities involved. The Biden Administration should keep the current operations in place and be a productive partner in California’s water future.”

“Californians know how important reliable water infrastructure is for our communities. I am proud to stand with my colleagues in expressing our support for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s coordinated operations plan and the biological opinions that guided it,” said Congresswoman Michelle Steel (CA-48). “Delivering water to communities who need it, as well as improving water security, is critically important and I strongly urge the Biden administration to keep these plans in place.”

“For too long, federal water policy has hurt California far more than it has helped. I’m proud to join my colleagues and voice our support for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s new strategy for the Central Valley Project and the California State Water Project,” Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-50) said.



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