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Congresswoman Young Kim Smiling in a Red top and Black Blazer

Apr 25, 2023 | Education, Press Releases

Today, U.S. Representatives Young Kim (CA-40), Paul Tonko (NY-21), Bruce Westerman (AR-04), Ed Case (HI-01), and Raul Grijalva (AZ-07) introduced a bipartisan resolution to designate the month of April as “Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month” and recognize the importance of STEM education.

“Math is the world’s universal language,” said Rep. Young Kim. “Access to math and STEM educational opportunities unlocks doors for students, strengthens our workforce across industries, grows our economy, protects our national security, and boosts American innovation and competitiveness globally. During Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month, I am proud to lead the bipartisan effort to recognize the importance of math and encourage Americans that we need to further invest in STEM educational opportunities.”

“I am honored to cosponsor Congresswoman Young Kim’s resolution, which celebrates the role that mathematics and statistics play in our everyday lives, and encourages our young people in science, technology, engineering and math with the potential to lead the next generation in innovation,” said Rep. Ed Case.

“Future progress in science, engineering, and technology depends on the disciplines of mathematics and statistics,” said Bryna Kra, President, American Mathematical Society. “Recognizing Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month helps increase public understanding and appreciation of subjects that drive research and education into a myriad of everyday problems and concerns, from cybersecurity to climate modeling, health care to advances in artificial intelligence (AI). Mathematics and statistics are indispensable to providing students with a balanced STEM education. Acknowledging their importance aids our joint efforts to improve access to STEM education and STEM careers for women and underrepresented groups.”

This resolution is supported by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM), which is a coalition of four professional societies:

•           American Mathematical Society

•           American Statistical Association

•           Mathematical Association of America

•           Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Read the resolution HERE.

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