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Rep. Young Kim Holding the Iranian Regime Account

Washington, D.C. -This week, U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-40), who serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joined House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10) to introduce the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act to permanently freeze the $6 billion of Iranian funds released as part of the Biden administration’s hostage deal.  

She also sent a letter to President Biden last week with Chairman McCaul and 19 colleagues urging him “to take all available action to ensure the $6 billion in Iranian funds currently held in Qatar remains permanently off limits to the Iranian regime.” 

“The Iranian regime is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism and is funding Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups trying to wipe Israel off the map. Instead of negotiating with state sponsors of terrorism, the Biden administration must show U.S. leadership, stand with our ally Israel, and hold the rogue Iranian regime accountable,” said Rep. Kim. “Congress cannot sit on the sidelines as authoritarian regimes run circles around this administration. The No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act would permanently freeze the $6 billion that the Biden administration released to the Iranian regime last month and that Iranian President Raisi bragged to the world his regime would spend ‘wherever we need it.’ I am proud to join Chairman McCaul to introduce this commonsense bill and will continue to stand with our ally Israel and work to hold authoritarian regimes accountable.”  

Read the full bill text HERE. 

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