Thank you for your interest in submitting FY2026 requests to Congresswoman Young Kim’s office. Please utilize the forms below to make the appropriate submission(s). Please note that each request requires a separate form. Before submitting, please be sure to thoroughly review the House Appropriations Committee’s FY25 guidance here. The Committee’s FY26 guidance is not yet available.
- Programmatic Request: here.
- Language Request: here.
- Submission Deadline: 5:00p.m. on March 21, 2025.
- Regarding FY26 CPF Requests: We will send out further guidance regarding the status of FY26 CPF requests. Please note that the Congresswoman’s FY25 CPF requests will remain the priority for FY26 CPF submissions if the CR does not include FY25 CPFs.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email call our office at 202-225-4111.
Appropriations Programmatic & Language Requests FAQS:
Q: What is a Programmatic Request?
- A request to fund a specific program or activity in the bill at a specified level.
- Example: Provide $70,000,000 in the Transportation Security Administration’s Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account for the Checkpoint Property Screening System.
Q: What is a Language Request?
- A request to include specific bill or report language that does not direct funding to a particular entity but encourages, urges, or directs some type of action.
- Example: Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies.—The Committee directs the Secretary to expand eligibility for grants under SAMHSA Prevention Programs of Regional and National Significance and corresponding services provided by the Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies to private, non-profit, regional organizations, including faith-based organizations.
Q: When submitting a Language Request, what is the difference between bill and report language?
- Bill language is actual legislative text, while report language provides direction to an agency in implementing the law.