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Rep. Young Kim Fights for Afghan Women & Girls

Washington, DC – Today, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed H.Res. 547, a bipartisan resolution by Reps. Young Kim (CA-39) and Kathy Manning (NC-06) to reaffirm Congress’ support for Afghan women and girls as the Biden administration withdraws U.S. troops from the region and the Taliban expands its presence in the region. 

Watch Rep. Kim speak in support of the resolution HERE and read her remarks as prepared below. 

“Thank you, Chairman Meeks, and thank you, Ranking Member McCaul. The en bloc being considered before this Committee today is comprised of a number of important measures, including a resolution to recognize the gains made by female Afghans over the past 20 years.  

“I am proud to co-lead this resolution with Congresswoman Manning pledging strong support for the women and girls of Afghanistan.  

“This resolution is crucial in signaling Congress’s commitment to providing robust humanitarian and developmental assistance to women and girls in Afghanistan and calling for their inclusion in peace negotiations.  

“I share the concerns of many of my colleagues on our hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan and the manner in which it has been carried out, along with the massive gains made by the Taliban in recent months.  

“I think we can all agree that it is imperative for our country to honor our commitment to the women and girls of Afghanistan and the incredible gains they have made in the classroom, the workforce, and the halls of government over the past twenty years.  

“We must ensure that our withdrawal does not adversely impact those gains and enables future opportunities for girls to learn and succeed.  

“I urge my colleagues to support this important resolution and for its passage during today’s markup.” 

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