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California's 40th District

U.S. Rep. Young Kim (R-CA) recently led 75 other original cosponsors in introducing a bipartisan resolution to designate Jan. 13 as Korean American Day.  

House Resolution (H.Res.) 871, which is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), supports the goals and ideals of Korean American Day and states that “on Jan. 13, 1903, 102 courageous Korean immigrants arrived in the United States initiating the first large wave of Korean immigration to America,” according to the text of the resolution.

“As one of the first Korean American women to serve in Congress and an immigrant from South Korea who represents a district that includes a vibrant Korean American community, I am proud to honor my heritage, recognize the 1.8 million Korean Americans in the U.S. today and promote the important role that Korean Americans play in defining America as a land of opportunity by introducing this resolution to honor Korean American Day,” Rep. Kim said.

The legislation also urges all Americans to observe Korean American Day to have a greater appreciation of the invaluable contributions Korean Americans have made to the U.S., and honors and recognizes the 119th anniversary of the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to America, according to the resolution’s text.  

“I am proud to represent Koreatown in Los Angeles — home to the largest Korean American community in the United States — and it is a great pleasure to lead this resolution to recognize the contributions of Korean Americans across the country,” said Rep. Gomez. 

The resolution has been referred to the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee for consideration.

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