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Washington, DC – Today, the House Financial Services Committee passed out of markup the Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act of 2025 (H.R.910), a bipartisan bill led by Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-40) and Congressman Al Green (TX-09) that aims to ensure Taiwan’s participation in the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  

Watch Rep. Kim speak in favor of H.R. 910 in the markup here

“As the 21st largest economy in the world and the 10th largest goods trading partner of the United States, Taiwan plays a critical role in the global economy but remains excluded from the IMF due to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party,” said Rep Kim. “We cannot allow the CCP to dictate international financial policy and sideline a key democratic partner. I thank the House Financial Services Committee for passing this bipartisan bill, and I’ll keep fighting to get this across the finish line.” 

“I am proud to have partnered with Rep. Kim in the last Congress to pass the Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act, and I thank Rep. Kim for taking the lead on this legislation as we eagerly anticipate its successful passage this Congress. Taiwan deserves to rejoin the IMF, not only because of its status as a vibrant democracy, but also for its dynamic economy that contributes significantly to global growth. Taiwan’s inclusion would enhance the IMF’s mission and promote stability and prosperity, embodying the values we uphold as we advocate for democratic principles worldwide,” said Rep. Green. 

The Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act will ensure the U.S. governor of the IMF advocates for:  

  • Taiwan’s admission into the IMF as a member;  
  • Taiwan’s participation in the IMF’s regular surveillance activities relating to Taiwan’s economic and financial policies;  
  • Employment opportunities at the IMF for Taiwan nationals; and, 
  • Taiwan’s ability to receive IMF technical assistance and training.   

This bill passed the House during the 118th Congress.  

In May 2022, Congresswoman Kim led a bipartisan bill—now law—to restore Taiwan’s observer status in the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Health Assembly (WHA). 

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