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Rep. Young Kim Shaking Hands with Family of Hostage Taken by Hamas

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representatives Young Kim (CA-40), Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05), Joe Wilson (SC-02), and Lois Frankel (FL-22) introduced a bipartisan resolution condemning Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 and calling attention to the ongoing atrocities nearly one year since that deadly day. 

On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel and brutally murdered, raped, and burned alive more than 1,200 individuals. They took 251 hostages, including Americans and citizens of more than 40 countries.  

Today, Hamas still holds 101 hostages, including seven Americans: Edan Alexander, Itay Chen, Sagui Dekel-Chen, Gadi Haggai, Judith Weinstein Haggai, Omer Neutra, and Keith Siegel. Several young women remain in Hamas captivity, subjected to sexual violence and held in dark tunnels. 

“Hamas’s brutal terrorist attack against our ally Israel on October 7, 2023 put the worst of evil on display for the world to watch. We will not forget the darkness of that day that will live in infamy,” said Rep. Young Kim. “One year later, the United States cannot waver in standing with our freedom-loving allies and against terrorism – wherever it rears its ugly head. On the Foreign Affairs Committee, I’ll keep working to bring Americans held hostage back home safely and to hold the Iran regime and its terrorist proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis accountable for their unfathomable violence and disregard for human decency.” 

“As we commemorate one year since October 7, we honor the memory of the innocent civilians who were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists and we stand with our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel in its efforts to secure the safe return of the remaining hostages. We can never forget that Hamas terrorist terrorists launched a devastating attack against Israel, brutally murdering more than 1,200 people, and kidnapping more than 240 people. 101 people remain captive, including 7 Americans,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). “We must continue to combat the surge in antisemitism that has followed and ensure that Iran and its proxies, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Hezbollah, and the Houthis, are held accountable. This bipartisan resolution reaffirms America’s unwavering commitment to Israel’s security and to the release of all the remaining hostages, including American citizens.”  

“On October 7th, 2023, the world watched in horror as Iranian puppet Hamas attacked Israel and committed mass murder and other atrocities on innocent men, women, and children. One year later, the U.S. remains steadfast in its support of the Israeli people and its commitment to securing the safe release of the remaining hostages,” said Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-2). 

“Today, we mark a devastating and somber anniversary—one year since Hamas terrorists unleashed the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. On October 7, 2023, the world witnessed in horror as Hamas murdered, raped, and maimed thousands of innocent civilians, while taking 240 hostages—unknown how many remain alive captive in Hamas’s dark tunnels, enduring unimaginable suffering,” said Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22). “More than ever, it is important that there is no separation in the bond between the United States and Israel and that Hamas release the hostages.” 

The resolution is supported by ADL (Anti-Defamation League); American Jewish Committee (AJC);  FDD Action; Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Jewish Federations of North America; Jewish Women International; and, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW).

“On October 7, 2023 the world witnessed the largest antisemitic event perpetrated against the Jewish people since the Holocaust,” said Anti-Defamation League (ADL) CEO and National Director Jonathan Greenblatt. “These horrific terrorist attacks led by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and others, have ultimately led to the targeting of Jewish communities around the globe and a groundswell of antisemitic rage unseen in decades. We thank Reps. Gottheimer, Kim, Frankel, and Wilson for leading this bipartisan resolution, calling for the return of all hostages still in Gaza, and condemning the Hamas terrorist attacks and the ensuing global antisemitic wave that continues to present new threats to communities and students on campuses around the world each day.” 

“As we approach one year since the mass murder, torture and kidnapping of men, women and children by Hamas, the world must understand that Hamas’ atrocities did not stop after October 7, 2023. Hamas continues to launch rockets into Israel, uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and worst of all, is still holding 101 hostages from 21 nations. But this is not the only threat facing Israel as Iran’s proxies, including Hezbollah, continue to show. The world must continue to condemn these brutal acts and support Israel’s right to defend itself from ongoing terrorism. This is why I am deeply grateful to Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Young Kim (R-CA), Lois Frankel (D-FL), and Joe Wilson (R-SC) for speaking out forcefully and reminding the world of Hamas and other Iranian proxies’ demonstration of pure evil. As October 7, 2024 nears, we must recommit ourselves to doing everything possible to bring the remaining hostages home and ensure the safety and security of Israel prevails over the death and destruction chosen by Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations,” said Ted Deutch, CEO of American Jewish Committee. 

“Hadassah supports Reps. Josh Gottheimer, Lois Frankel, Young Kim, and Joe Wilson’s efforts through this resolution to commemorate one year since Hamas’ brutal October 7, 2023, attack against Israel, honor the victims of Hamas’s murderous terror and rampant sexual violence, and demand the immediate, safe return of the hostages. The massacres that day and the devastating events that have followed continue to have a profound impact on Jewish communities around the world,” said Hadassah National President Carol Ann Schwartz.  

“The bipartisan resolution reflects Congress’s moral clarity about the genocidal atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel on Oct 7. It underscores the enduring threat posed by the terrorist organization to American citizens and citizens of scores of other countries.  The resolution could not be more important at a time when there are those who seek to normalize Hamas’s actions and justify its brutality in an inversion of reality. Congress rightly puts on the record Israel’s right to defend itself against the actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies. FDD Action supports this resolution and honors the lives of those killed by Hamas and supports the unconditional release of all remaining hostages,” said FDD Action. 

“National Council of Jewish Women applauds Representatives Josh Gottheimer, Lois Frankel, Joe Wilson, and Young Kim for introducing this crucial resolution to ensure that October 7 remains at the forefront of our collective memory,” said National Council of Jewish Women CEO Sheila Katz. “As we approach the one-year mark since Hamas terrorists brutally attacked nearly 1,200 lives, took hundreds of innocent people hostage, and used sexual violence as a tool of war, we echo this call to unconditionally condemn these atrocities of October 7. We are also grateful that this resolution addresses the alarming rise in global antisemitism. Everyone deserves to live free from violence and discrimination.”  

“Nearly one year ago, Hamas terrorists changed the lives of Jews around the globe – how we act, how we are treated, and how we live. But Jews refuse to live in fear or be cowed from living our full Jewish lives in community. That’s why Jewish Federations will be marking the anniversary with more than 100 events that will remember the victims, honor the heroes, and stand in solidarity with Israel. That is why we strongly support a bipartisan Congressional resolution commemorating the events of October 7th, as it condemns Hamas for their atrocities, calls for Hamas to surrender and return the hostages, and reaffirms Israel’s right to self-defense. We are proud that the sponsors realize the importance of this day and want it to be recognized by the rest of the United States,” said Jewish Federation of North America President and CEO Eric Fingerhut.  

“As the most documented atrocity in history, including Go-Pro video uploaded by the terrorists themselves in order to amplify the terror and trauma, intentional campaigns of distortion have led to denial that Hamas and their allies committed sexual atrocities, or far worse, that the rapes of Israelis and others were deserved as acts of resistance,” said Meredith Jacobs, CEO of Jewish Women International. “At JWI, we hold fast to the tenets of our work — victims are never blamed, survivors are believed, rape is never justified. Acknowledging the truth, attributing the strategic and systemic use of sexual violence as a weapon of war to Hamas, is a critical first step in giving some sort of historic justice to the victims and survivors. We thank Representatives Gottheimer, Frankel, Wilson, and Kim for their leadership in introducing this resolution.”

Read the full resolution HERE. 

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