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Rep Young Kim Speaks on The House Floor

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-40) voted in favor of H.R. 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (NDAA), to fund our national defense and ensure our troops are mission-ready, having the tools and training they need to combat threats at home and abroad.

Included in the NDAA is the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is Not a Developing Country Act, led by Rep. Kim to ensure the United States opposes the PRC’s developing country status. The bipartisan, bicameral bill passed the House unanimously in March. The Senate version was led by Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT).

“This week just down the road at Camp Pendleton, a Marine lost his life in training, and more were injured – a tragic reminder of the sacrifices made each day by those who have answered the call to serve in our nation’s uniform. We must ensure our troops have the tools and training they need to combat any threat that comes our way – whether on land, air, sea, space, and cyberspace,” said Rep. Kim, who serves as Chairwoman of the Indo-Pacific Subcommittee. “This NDAA provides vital resources for troop readiness and helps us be laser-focused on our mission to keep Americans safe. As we see our rogue regimes in China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran increasing aggression, the United States must be able to lead – and we cannot do so if we fail to fund our military.”

On the PRC is not a Developing Country Act being included in the final package, Rep. Kim added, “The People’s Republic of China uses its developing country status to undermine the international rules-based order, receive a disproportionate share of aid from international treaties and organizations, and exploit developing countries through its debt diplomacy. We cannot sit idly by as the PRC – which has the second largest economy in the world – exercises undue influence on the global stage and carries out its economic coercion campaign on nations that are actually developing. The PRC is Not a Developing Country Act will help level the playing field and right this wrong. I am thrilled this is on its way across the finish line, and I will monitor its implementation closely. We must hold the PRC accountable and ensure American values lead the way in supporting developing countries around the world.”  

“It is absolutely absurd that China continues to be treated as a developing nation on the global stage when it has the second largest economy in the world and is on track to surpass the United States in the coming decade,” Senator Romney said. “I’m proud that our legislation—which establishes U.S. policy to oppose labeling China as a ‘developing nation’ in international organizations and future treaties—has finally passed, and I appreciate the efforts of my House colleagues for helping to see it through.”

Read more about the NDAA here.

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