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Rep. Young Kim

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representatives Young Kim (CA-40), Jason Crow (CO-06), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), and Brad Schneider (IL-10) introduced a bipartisan resolution to recognize National Veterans Small Business Week and celebrate veteran entrepreneurs.

The nearly 2 million veteran-owned businesses in the United States generate over $1 trillion annually in revenue and employ over 5 million workers in the United States.

“Veteran entrepreneurs are heroes who not only served our country in uniform but also serve their communities, creating jobs and supporting our local economies,” said Congresswoman Kim. “We must have the backs of the brave men and women in our military who had ours. I’m proud to join in introducing this bipartisan resolution to honor National Veterans Small Business Week and show our appreciation for veteran-owned businesses. I’ll keep fighting on the Financial Services Committee to reduce regulatory costs for small business owners and ensure all Americans have the resources they need to make their American dream a reality.”

“Our district is home to over 35,000 veterans who drive our local economy in a strong small business state,” said Congressman Crow. “This Veterans Small Business Week, I’m glad to continue our bipartisan work to empower veterans and their families with the resources needed to build thriving small businesses.”

“Many veterans continue to contribute to our communities, using their leadership skills as small business owners,” said Congressman Fitzpatrick. “Our veterans had our backs as they fought for our freedom, and we must support them as they contribute to our local economies. I’m proud to join a bipartisan group of colleagues in recognizing Veterans Small Business Week.”

“The contributions that veterans make to the strength and success of our nation extends beyond their service in our armed forces to the many valuable skills and entrepreneurial ideas they bring to the table,” said Congressman Schneider. “Recognizing and promoting veterans’ success in entrepreneurship is key to helping our communities grow and flourish economically.”

Read the resolution HERE.

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