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California's 40th District

Sep 6, 2022 | In The News

U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39) was named a Common Ground Champion for her commitment and record of breaking through partisan gridlock to get things done in Congress.

Rep. Kim is one of 28 members of Congress to achieve this recognition from the Common Ground Committee (CGC), a nonpartisan organization devoted to improving public discourse in politics. Her Common Ground score is the highest of any elected official in California, in the top 10 of Republican elected officials and in the top 20 of all elected officials in the United States.

In her first term in Congress, Rep. Kim has:

  • Gotten 21 bills through the House and 7 signed into law;
  • Returned more than $15 million back to taxpayers;
  • Helped more than 3,500 constituents receive vital assistance from federal agencies;
  • Attended hundreds of public events;
  • Visited more than 50 small businesses; and,
  • Recognized over 50 Vietnam-era veterans for their service.

“I came to Congress to be an unwavering voice for my constituents and deliver results for Southern California communities. While I will never compromise my conservative principles, I believe in the importance of a productive dialogue and am willing to find common ground to move our country forward and improve the lives of workers, families and small businesses I represent,” said Kim. “I am proud that my record reflects my commitment to common sense solutions, and I thank the Common Ground Committee for this recognition.”

“Americans are divided over the direction of the country and how to solve many issues we currently face. To make progress, leaders must be committed to working across the aisle and finding solutions that address all our citizens’ concerns,” said Erik Olsen, co-founder of CGC. “But while they are divided on issues, Americans agree that they want to see their representatives work together and solve problems. We hope that more lawmakers follow Rep. Young Kim’s lead and make a commitment to finding common ground.”

For more information on the Common Ground Scorecard and Rep. Kim’s score, visit here.

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