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Rep. Young Kim

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39) supported the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support to provide our U.S. service members with the support, training and equipment needed to face dynamic global threats. 

Included in the NDAA as a bipartisan amendment was Rep. Kim’s Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act (H.R. 8259) to support Taiwan and other Indo-Pacific allies by requiring reporting on delayed shipments of procured defense articles to the region. 

“Ensuring our military is trained, equipped and prepared for current and future challenges is more important than ever as we see cyber threats increase and the Chinese Communist Party outpace us in emerging technologies and weapon systems. We must provide for our brave men and women in uniform and their families,” said Rep. Kim. “I’m glad we could come together in a bipartisan way to pass the NDAA to show our appreciation for our troops who keep us safe, enhance Congressional oversight of the Department of Defense, take the steps necessary to ensure our fighters prevail on future battlefields and support our allies. Whether on land, in the air, at sea, in cyberspace or outer space, the United States military will remain a beacon of strength.”  

The NDAA supports our troops by:   

  • Increasing pay by 2.4 percent to enlisted members and benefits for spouses and families to counter effects of 9.1 percent inflation;  
  • Reversing cuts in military construction and housing projects;  
  • Expanding training opportunities for servicemembers;  
  • Improving the safety of the ships, aircraft, combat vehicles, and facilities where our warfighters serve; and,   
  • Saving taxpayers over $6 billion by divesting hundreds of outdated ships, aircraft and other legacy systems, and investing in emerging technologies that will help us stay ahead of our adversaries.  

In addition to the Arms Exports Delivery Solutions Act, Rep. Kim supported amendments included in the NDAA to: 

  • Enhance Congressional oversight of infrastructure established in the administration with respect to U.S. assistance to Ukraine; 
  • Promote the reunification of Korean Americans with war-torn family members in North Korea; 
  • Show appreciation for Korean American and Korean veterans who fought alongside United States Armed Forces in the Vietnam war;  
  • Demand that the government of Azerbaijan should immediately return all Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians;  
  • Protect dependent children of green card applicants and long-term dependent children of employment-based nonimmigrants from aging out of our legal immigration system; and,
  • Repeal the outdated 1991 Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq.  

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