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Rep. Young Kim

Washington, DC – Today, the Small Business Council of America (SBCA) awarded U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39) its 2022 Congressional Award for her efforts on behalf of small businesses and tireless work as a member of the House Small Business Committee to find common sense solutions to challenges facing our nation. 

The SBCA is a national nonprofit organization which has represented the interests of privately-held and family-owned businesses on federal tax, health care and employee benefit matters since 1979. Each year, the SBCA presents the Congressional Award to one Republican and one Democrat from the House and the Senate. 

“Our small business owners continue to face hurdles to keep their doors open and employees on payroll while dealing with rising prices, supply chain backlogs and labor shortages,” said Kim, who serves as Ranking Member of the House Small Business Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Workforce Development. “Supporting our entrepreneurs is a top priority of mine in Congress, which is why I am proud to be recognized by the SBCA for my record in Congress. I’ll continue to be an unwavering voice for Main Street job creators and work on pro-growth policies to help entrepreneurs of all backgrounds achieve their dream.” 

“Congresswoman Kim knows firsthand the ups and downs that come with being a small business owner,” said SBCA Chair Paula Calimafde. “The SBCA is pleased to recognize the Congresswoman for her commitment to working across the aisle in pursuit of common sense solutions that help small businesses and pave the way for economic growth and innovation.  We look forward to continuing to work with Congresswoman Kim and her staff on these critical issues.”

Rep. Kim, a small business owner, has led several bipartisan bills to support entrepreneurs, such as:   

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