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Rep. Young Kim Supports Troops at Home and Abroad through Bipartisan NDAA

Rep. Young Kim Fights for Afghan Women & Girls

Washington, DC –Today the House of Representatives came together to pass with overwhelming bipartisan support the bipartisan FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to fund our Defense Department and provide our military with the support they need to remain ready to face global challenges.  

U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39) cosponsored several bipartisan amendments included in the final package and proudly voted in favor of the FY22 NDAA and released the following statement after its passage:  

“Our brave men and women serving in our nation’s uniform must have the resources they need to be equipped and ready to face today’s changing global threats,” said Congresswoman Kim. “I’m pleased that Congress could come together today to show overwhelming support for our troops and their courageous work to keep us safe and protect our freedoms around the world through this bipartisan NDAA. I proudly voted yes on today’s NDAA and will always fight in Congress for our troops who put themselves in harm’s way to fight for us.”  

Congresswoman Kim helped introduce several amendments that would: 

  • Block deadly fentanyl imports to the U.S. and impose penalties on countries that allow illicit imports of fentanyl to enter the U.S.; 
  • Establish a memorial for our 13 fallen servicemembers from the Kabul airport attack and those who served in the Global War on Terror;  
  • Recognize Korean and Korean American veterans who fought alongside the U.S. in the Vietnam War; and, 
  • Create a National Digital Reserve Corps that would incentivize private sector cybersecurity experts to work for the federal government. 

The NDAA delivers many important initiatives to support our military and defense, such as:  

  • Authorization of a 2.7% pay raise for our troops; 
  • Strengthened supply chain security for critical defense systems; 
  • A responsible increase in funding to support countering global threats;  
  • Support for the U.S.-Israel relationship and for Israel’s security and defense; 
  • Increased financial and mental health support for wildland firefighters;  
  • Provisions to hold Iran accountable for its malign activities; and,
  • Clear support for Taiwan’s security. 

The NDAA would also authorize continued accountability for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan by: 

  • Providing $250 million for counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan;  
  • Prohibiting the U.S. government from transferring money or goods to the Taliban; 
  • Ensuring the Defense Department reports to Congress on expenditures in support of Afghan resettlement activities;  
  • Requiring the Defense Department to provide immediate numbers on how many Americans are in Afghanistan and itemized lists of U.S. military equipment we left behind; and, 
  • Requiring the Defense Department to submit a plan to Congress on how it will:  
    • Support evacuation of Americans from Afghanistan,  
    • Maintain air superiority; 
    • Conduct intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions; and, 
    • Carry out counterterrorism operations. 

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