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Rep. Young Kim State Department Reauthorization Floor Speech

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-39)’s bill (H.R. 1244) to streamline and improve reporting requirements at the State Department passed the House.  

H.R. 1244 passed as part of the bipartisan Department of State Authorization Act of 2021 (H.R. 1157). H.R. 1157 also included an amendment by Rep. Kim to expand foreign service officer training programs for employees to achieve parity with other federal agencies and the private sector. 

“We must ensure our State Department personnel are prepared to meet 21st century global challenges and carry out our nation’s foreign policy objectives. Today, the House came together to do just that,” said Kim. “I’m proud to have my bill to streamline and improve State Department reporting requirements included as an amendment in this bill as well as an initiative to ensure employees are growing their skillset to meet today’s dynamic missions. I thank my colleagues for coming together to support a streamlined, more efficient State Department today and urge for swift passage in the Senate.”  

Rep. Kim, who serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, spoke on the floor in support of the bill. Watch her remarks HERE

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