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Feb 13, 2021 | In The News, Small Business

Korean congressman Young Kim, who publicly criticized Harvard Law School professor Ramsey, who wrote a dissertation that distorted the comfort women victims into ‘prostitutes’, called for the Japanese government’s apology and compensation for the Japanese military comfort women issue 14 years ago. The fact that it played a role in the resolution’s passing through Congress is being revised.

Rep. Kim, one of three Korean women who was elected to the US House of Representatives for the first time in history, recently criticized Professor Ramsey on Twitter and said, “Professor Ramzier’s argument is not true, but misleading.” He said it has been covered for a long time.

In fact, 14 years ago, Rep. Kim was a Republican member of the Republican Party, and as an aide to former Congressman Ed Royce, a tycoon of the House Foreign Relations Committee, helped former lawmaker Royce to gain bipartisan support for the comfort women resolution.

The Korean Voter Center, who led the resolution of the comfort women at the time, said that Congressman Kim was actively involved in drafting the resolution.

Teller Report

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