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Young Kim

Washington, DC – This week, as Title 42 comes to an end, U.S. Representative Young Kim (CA-40) voted for the Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2), a bill to take concrete steps to secure our border and combat illegal immigration led by Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25) and Tom McClintock (CA-05). 

“The border crisis is a direct result of the Biden administration ignoring the issue for over two years. Congress cannot sit idly by as the Biden administration revokes Title 42 without a clear plan to prepare for record crossings at our Southern border. This was predictable and preventable,” said Rep. Young Kim. “H.R. 2 takes concrete steps to secure our border, equip our border patrol with the resources they need on the front lines, increase support for law enforcement to states along the U.S.-Mexico border, reduce the number of illegal crossings, and allow for legal immigration. As long as this crisis persists, our communities suffer. I will keep working in good faith on a border security and immigration solution and urge the Biden administration to come to the table to do the same.” 

H.R. 2 helps address the border crisis by:  

  • Taking various steps to secure the Southern border; 

  • Deploying technology to our Southern and Northern border; 

  • Increasing the number of border patrol agents and providing bonus pay; 

  • Ensuring transparency regarding illegal crossings from the Department of Homeland Security; 

  • Protecting unaccompanied children from human trafficking; 

  • Ending catch and release; 

  • Increasing Operation Stonegarden grants to local law enforcement jurisdictions to enhance border security measures; 

  • Prohibiting abuse of executive immigration authority; and,  

  • Strengthening and streamlining the asylum process. 

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